Monday, December 25, 2017

Rajpunya is a traditional festival of circle chief for fax collection from jum cultivation and contribution of some portion to the tresury of the government. The formal occasion of collecting tax is called "Rajpunya". In the morning of Rajpunya, raja comes to the Darbar hall(conference hall) wearing rayal dress while playing on local flutes and different local musical instuments, Ledies and gentlemen welcome raja spreading flowers on him.Thousands of people including foreigners gather there to see the Raja Sourrounded by raja's traditional soldiers, messengers. The date of Rajpunya is fixed on a convenient time of the end of December or last week of January every year. on the occasion of the festival, a folk fair is arranged at the Rajar math of Bandarban town and its adjacent area of Bangladesh.

Rajpunya is a traditional festival of circle chief for fax collection from jum cultivation and contribution of some portion to the tresury ...